The renewal of vows is as meaningful as a marriage ceremony and on many occasions even more so. For example, a couple may have lived through the ups and downs of daily life and always put each other first so this has strengthened their love and appreciation over time. The renewal of vows can extend to the ritualising of gratitude and confirmation of a rock solid bond. A couple may be re-establishing something that they lost and want to celebrate their reunion. A couple may want to include the renewal of vows as an addition to milestone wedding anniversary in lieu of Byron Bay Wedding Ceremonies.

Whether the ceremony is public or private, ritualizing the celebration of love between two people is a significant milestone in the showing of commitment to each other. Renewal of Vows are treated much the same as commitment ceremonies and are covered in my Byron Bay Wedding Packages.

As your Celebrant, I take it on myself to ensure that you are enriched by the experience and that you find it personalised. This is a time when you are making promises to one another so you need to take your time to turn your feelings into meaningful words. Words that will shape your future together. This sounds a little serious but you can still keep it fun. Whether you are having guests or not be sure to explore the possibilities of including readings, poems, themes (costumes), music (live or mp3), dance, video (mp4), photos or comic artists, etc. Most of all, it is your day, so make sure it is your way.

Second Marriage Ceremonies

are often more complicated than the first. There may be additional considerations for offspring, ex partners, in laws and relatives by the first marriage. Don’t let your first wedding become a benchmark or something to compare against in your wedding plans. This is a celebration of a fresh start, a new life, new love. This is an opportunity to express your feelings of that new love to one another with optimism and hope for your life ahead. Byron Bay Wedding Ceremonies can have more meaning and stronger feeling than anything you have previously experienced. You have built a wealth of life experience and have not only survived the trauma of the past but have risen above it all.

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